Hey there and welcome to FBCM Students! Our desire is to see every student be
Saved - Have a personal relationship with Jesus and growing in their walk with Him
Serving - Using their God-given gifts and talents in the church and their circles of influence
Sharing - Telling others what Jesus has done for them and teaching others to do the same
We meet on Wednesday nights from 7-8:30pm for grades 6th-12th
Join us on Sunday mornings from 9:45-10:45am as we look at the story of the entire Bible and the hope of the gospel throughout. Be challenged and equipped to study God's Word on your own and with fellow students.

On the second Saturday of each month, come out from 1:00pm-5:00pm for some epic Nerf battles through our church facility! Participants under 18 will need to have a parent/guardian sign the liability waiver prior to participating. See you there!