"Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work." 2 Corinthians 9:7
Fast and easy
If it is your first time giving online simply click the "Give Now" button and follow the directions under the left heading "First Time? New User Registration" to quickly set up an account.
You can also choose the "Quick Give" option which doesn't require an account setup and will send a receipt directly to the email you provide under the Card Holder Information section.
Safe and Secure
EasyTithe adheres to the industry's strictest security requirements. As required by the PCI Security Council and all processing banks, EasyTithe is a Level 1 Certified PCI Compliant Service Provider. This means EasyTithe conforms to the highest set of security standards in the payment card industry. Your account managers, end users, and EasyTithe employees will never have access to the type of sensitive information that might lead to an unauthorized transaction.
EasyTithe uses 256 Bit SSL technology for data transactions. All personal, credit card, & bank information is submitted using 256 bit encryption. There is no stronger form of protection than this encryption and by doing this, we eliminate the possibility that someone might "tap" the line and extract your personal data from it. 256-bit SSL encryption has never been broken and according to RSL Labs, it would take a "trillion-trillion years" to crack the code using today's technology.
Multiple ways to give
Automatic recurring: You can set the frequency of your giving and have a predetermined amount taken from your account each time. You can also set your recurring amount to go to multiple funds at the church.
Credit, Debit, and ACH: You can use credit cards, debit cards, or ACH (eChecks), or any combination thereof, for your giving to suit your needs.
Give on the go
Download the easyTithe app for you Apple or Android device and have the ease of giving on the go, wherever you are in the world. Follow the provided links to download the app now.
Or simply scan this QR Code below with your phone, download the EasyTithe App, search "08840" to find our church, and start giving today!