"Thank you for your interest in our church. I trust that the information provided here will answer many questions you have about us and the opportunities we offer" - Dr. Alfonse Javed, Senior Pastor
What to Expect

Be sure to visit our Cornerstone Café after our 11am service! Grab a cup of coffee or one of our other beverages we offer. If you are interested in hearing about the history of our church, getting an overview of our ministries, and even a campus tour please let us know.
Who We Are
We strive to be a Christ-centered diverse community caring for every generation in every situation.
Our mission is to make a difference by creating Gospel-centered spaces of connection for worship and growth.
We value diversity both generationally and culturally. God has placed us in a strategic location where the world has come to us. Within 12 miles of our church live 2 million people from every corner of the world. Our goal is to reach this diverse cultural community and to continue reflecting this diversity in our church body.
What We Believe
We believe that the Bible, composed of the 66 Books of the Old and New Testaments, is wholly and verbally inspired of God in its original manuscripts. As such it is our inerrant, supreme, and final authority in faith and conduct (2 Timothy 3:16; 2 Peter 1:20-21).
Our History
In 1900, three men saw a need to reach the children and families of Middlesex County. William Crowell, Rev. Lenn Wheeler of First Baptist Church of New Brunswick, and Deacon Peter Letson of Stelton Baptist Church met together with the intent to organize a Baptist Sunday School in the Metuchen area. At the time, there weren’t enough families and children to start the school. But within two short years the population of Metuchen had grown enough that the Baptist Sunday School was born.